About the Adventurers

Misti Volcano Peru






Franki Cookney

Freelance features writer and volcano aficionado. Tweet me @FrankiCookney

Interests: Gender politics, sexuality, sex, education, human rights, identities… also languages, fashion, design, books, art, music, food (especially breakfast), coffee, wine.

Can’t travel without: Knowing where my next meal is coming from.

Most likely to be instagramming: Colourful houses, streets and cityscapes. And volcanoes (obvs).

Usually homesick for: Good coffee.

I always seem to come home with: New earrings.

Can’t walk past: A vintage shop.

CV: uk.linkedin.com/pub/francesca-cookney/46/226/252/
Instagram: frankicookney
Contact me: frankicookney@gmail.com

Orient Express Peru








Rob Davies

Freelance business journalist and drummer. Tweet me @ByRobDavies

Interests: Business and finance, mining, oil and gas, aviation, media, global development… also music, football, reading, coffee, chocolate, beer and wine, skiing.

Can’t travel without:  My iPod.

Most likely to be instagramming:  Impressive landscapes and quirky street scenes.

Usually homesick for: Tottenham Hotspur FC.

I always seem to come home with:  Some sort of local drum.

Can’t walk past:  Live music.

CV: uk.linkedin.com/pub/rob-davies/20/969/369
Instagram: byrobdavies
Contact me: robdavies83@gmail.com

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